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скачать песню вместе как один Speech at State Decorations Ceremony for Olympic Champions and Medal Winners at 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.
September 8, 2009
The Kremlin, Moscow

Выступление на церемонии вручения государственных наград чемпионам и призёрам пекинской Олимпиады-2008.
8 сентября 2009 года
Москва, Кремль

PRESIDENT OF RUSSIA DMITRY MEDVEDEV: Good afternoon dear friends, I am very glad to see you in the Kremlin on this very promising occasion, the presentation of state decorations. I will not talk about the fact that, without any undue exaggeration, the most outstanding representatives of Russian athletics are here today. Indeed, those who raise the banners of our victory are here today. I will only say one thing that I thought about this morning.I will of course present awards to everyone but in all honesty this should have been done earlier, since already a year has passed after the Olympics. Such decisions should be taken more quickly and I am addressing the heads of the federal sports organisations, primarily the Ministry [of Sport, Tourism and Youth Policy], the Olympic Committee and the Presidential Executive Office. On the other hand this is a blessing in disguise, another very good reason to remember what happened a year ago, since some things get lost in our memory. And I hope or rather am sure that this is pleasant for all those present today.Millions of our people have cheered for all who are here today. I understand that everything we will talk about today and all you have done was a product of extraordinary efforts. That is why, on behalf of Russia's millions of fans, I would like to once again offer you my sincere thanks. I will single out a few people not because I think that this is fair, but just to make sure that at least some of those here are mentioned individually. But of course I could say the same thing about our other friends who are sitting here, about those who won a well-deserved fight.I would like to single out the courage and tenacity of Dmitry Sautin who won medals in all four types of diving events at the Olympics. The persistence and perseverance of Olga Kaniskina who, at the Beijing Olympics and just recently at the World Championships in Athletics, confirmed that our masters of race walking really have no equals. And, of course, the will to win of Yelena Isinbayeva, author of no less than 26 world records. Most recently, at the fifth stage [of the IAAF Golden League 2009 series] in Zurich, Yelena once again surprised rivals, and fans and, I hope, herself as well as she set her 27th world record. Our girls, the synchronized swimmers, displayed team spirit and fighting ability in the water in Beijing where they successfully surpassed their opponents and deservedly won gold medals.I repeat that I could name very many such examples and, as is always the case in sports, all victories are tributary not only to any one athlete, but the results of hard work, emotional support of coaching staff, close friends and relatives, all the people who hoped you would do well, and, probably, luck also plays a role. But, as you know, fortune favours only those who really want to win and who demonstrate the very best qualities.Your successes have long since become part of our countrys national heritage. That is why we are returning to them now, after a year, even though I hope that after the next Olympics we will meet a little earlier in order to present you your state awards. As President I understand perfectly that no sporting achievement in Russia is possible if the government does not pay careful attention to sport.
Lately we have been trying to do everything possible so that you can develop professionally and train properly. We will try to keep creating normal conditions for training. This is done in some places purely through public funds; in others there is co-financing with private business. In any case, the government must create the initial conditions and a regulatory environment. Only in this case will we be entitled to new victories.I understand that you all have new sporting challenges ahead of you, new international tournaments and championships. Of course you have preparations for the 2012 Summer Games ahead of you, and we are all hoping for your victory and will experience these Games together with you. And those officials who should make relevant decisions will make them. I can safely tell you this on behalf of all those in our country who are authorised to make decisions affecting sport.I would once again cordially congratulate you and suggest we start the ceremony for presenting state awards.I remember when we met at a reception a year ago how happy you were, but I also think you still feel good today. And you have put me in a good mood since this morning.


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Исполнитель: Чемпионы

Длина файла: 03:14

Дата добавления: 2016-06-18

Текст просмотрен: 753

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Д.Медведев.Чемпионы Пекинской Олимпиады-2008.08.09.09
Чемпионы - Вместе как один.Вместе победим.
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